Replaces regular magazine covers with more erotic ones.
Category: Models and Textures
Views: 650
Downloads: 162
Date uploaded: 6 September 2023
Date updated:
Uploaded by: LA-BELKA
Author: CRT
Likes: 0
Now you'll be able to skip long and annoying animations during ship boarding and departure.Installation: Documents\My...
With this mod, you won't have any engine power limits.Requirements for this mod: Starfield Script Extender (SFSE)
Unlock the power of your Constellation with the Performance Boost INI v2 and get up to 15% more FPS! This tweak is designed to...
The death sound will be replaced with a sound from Super Mario Bros.Requirements for this mod: StarfieldCustom.ini
This mod will make all the journals more visible so you won't miss them anymore!Option 1 - journals emit a green glow.Option 2...
This mod makes the User Interface of Starfield much faster and smoother by increasing the framerate of the UI to 60fps. If...