Black Loading Screen Remover v1.0


This mod completely removes the black loading screen for more immersion. The game still needs to load, but your vision during the game will be less interrupted.

Functionality Overview

  • Eliminates black loading screens, enhancing immersion.
  • Modifies the grav jump loading screen to white, giving an impression of no loading screen interruption. (Note: A minor glitch causes stars to appear briefly.)

Functionality Limitations

  • GAME LOADING SPEED REMAINS UNCHANGED: While the black loading screen is hidden, the game still takes its standard time to load scenes.

Potential Issues

  • Minor visual disruptions might occur during some transitions, revealing everything usually concealed by the black loading screen, including the in-progress world rendering.
  • The game world remains on hold during loading. The speed of loading, hence, the extent of disruption, depends on your PC's capability.
  • Loading indicator (spinner) will not be visible.

Installation Instructions

  1. Move the 'interface' folder to C:\Users\[Your Name]\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Data.
  2. Transfer the 'StarfieldCustom.ini' to C:\Users\[Your Name]\Documents\My Games\Starfield. Alternatively, incorporate the subsequent lines:

Copy code
[Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=

Category: User Interface

Views: 510

Downloads: 162

Date uploaded: 4 September 2023

Date updated:

Uploaded by: admin

Original: Link

Author: aDebaser

