Unlock the power of the bat files and add 1, 5, or 10 perk points to your character in Starfield. Extract the bat files to your main Starfield folder and type points1, points5, or points10 into the console to gain the perk points.
Category: Miscellaneous
Views: 384
Downloads: 197
Date uploaded: 3 September 2023
Date updated:
Uploaded by: admin
Original: Link
Author: Choppytehbear
Likes: 0
If you have a 21:9 screen, you can change the default FOV to 110 for the best experience. However, setting the FOV too low or...
Are you looking for a way to give your character's eyes a unique look in Starfield? Look no further than The Eyes of Beauty -...
Keep the gamey feeling, but up the ante when it comes to dealing and taking damage. Taking cover is meaningful and will be the...
A new 18+ Neon City posters.
This mod makes the User Interface of Starfield much faster and smoother by increasing the framerate of the UI to 60fps. If...
Now all the characters' underwear will be more stylish - in pink.Installation: Documents\My Games\Starfield