The mod will allow you to gain experience for a killed enemy, even if it was killed by your companion or an NPC, as long as you have dealt at least 1% of damage.
Installation: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Starfield
Category: Gameplay
Views: 413
Downloads: 167
Date uploaded: 6 September 2023
Date updated:
Uploaded by: LA-BELKA
Original: Link
Author: Zzyxzz
Likes: 0
Addresses a bug where the player's head remains "frozen" in a specific position after performing a jump while sprinting.
If you're looking for a way to change the dialogue zoom camera, I've been spending some time trying to find a solution. I'm no...
Before Anyone Else, there was Bethesda Archive Extractor (B.A.E.), an extractor for BA2 files. Special Thanks: ianpatt and...
A cute Constellation Skin for Vasco!
This mod will replace the original watery Starfield eyes with darker and more varied colors. Texture size is...
A simple Main Menu Replacer of Space is here! But before you get started, BACK UP YOUR FILES FIRST PEOPLE.