BetterHUD v1.0


Location text and XP indicator have been minimized and relocated to the bottom for a cleaner view. Choose to entirely conceal the XP indicator, enemy health bars, or hit markers as per your preference. An optional dot-only crosshair is also available.

HUD Modifications

  • Location Text and XP Indicator have been adjusted downward on the HUD to enhance gameplay clarity.

You can also opt for these customizations using optional downloads:

  • Fully hide the XP indicator while maintaining mod-induced location text alterations.
  • Modify only the XP indicator.

There are various other optional files available. Once these options become more defined, a user-friendly installer will be in the works.

Dot Crosshair Variations

  • BetterHUD - Only Dot Crosshairs: Displays just the dot crosshair.
  • BetterHUD - Dot Crosshairs - Enemy Health Hit Mark: Integrates the dot crosshair and deactivates the enemy health bar and hit marker.
  • BetterHUD Dot Crosshairs and Disable Enemy Health: Features the dot crosshair while only turning off the enemy health bar.
  • BetterHUD - Dot Crosshairs and Disable Hit Marker: Incorporates the dot crosshair and solely deactivates the hit marker.

Your feedback, suggestions, and ideas are always welcomed!

Compatibility Issues

BetterHUD may conflict with other mods in two specific manners:

  1. Mods altering HUD elements in hudmessagesmenu.gfx related to Location Text, XP Indicator, and Quest/Objectives.
  2. Mods tweaking HUD elements in hudmenu.gfx, concerning Crosshair, Enemy Health Bar, Hit Marker, and more.

There are existing mods that modify the aforementioned files. They might be incompatible unless patched. I am actively researching ways to address these issues seamlessly.

Presently Known Incompatibilities

  • Tactical Crosshair
  • Removed Hit Markers
  • Move or Disable XP Bar
  • No Enemy Healthbars

Please notify of any incompatibility via comments or bug reports.

Installation Steps

Enable Modding:

  1. Activate modding: Generate an ini file in My Games\Starfield named StarfieldCustom.ini.
  2. Populate StarfieldCustom.ini with:

Copy code
[Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= 

Vortex Installation:

  1. Ensure Starfield Extension in Vortex is installed and configured.
  2. Download, install, activate, and deploy as per standard Vortex procedures.

Manual Installation (Steam):

  1. Decompress mod files to your Starfield Data directory (Steam\steamapps\common\Starfield). This will result in the creation of an Interface folder.
  2. End file organization should resemble:

Copy code
Starfield/ ├─ Data/ │ ├─ Interface/ │ │ ├─ hudmessagesmenu.gfx │ │ ├─ etc... 

Manual Installation (Xbox Windows):

  1. Extract mod files into Documents\My Games\Starfield's Starfield Data directory. An Interface folder will be generated.
  2. Directory structure:

Copy code
Starfield\ ├─ Data\ │ ├─ Interface/ │ │ ├─ hudmessagesmenu.gfx │ │ ├─ etc... 

Enjoy, and report bugs!


  1. Delete files from Starfield/Data/Interface and revert ini modifications.

Troubleshooting Tips

For any issues, refer to this section. Also, share your problems and solutions in the comments.

Mod(s) not working: If StarfieldCustom.ini is causing issues, there might be hidden characters. Solutions include downloading the Base StarfieldCustom.ini or creating a new one using editors like Notepad++. Special thanks to LastingTalent and fadingsignal for highlighting this.

Update Log

  • 0.3.1, 2023/09/02 - Relevant for optional files related to crosshairs. Now includes shotgun.
  • 0.3, 2023/09/01 - Addressed an issue with the 7-Zip release file structure for Vortex installation.
  • 0.2, 2023/09/01 - Tweaked the XP indicator's position for subtitle clarity.
  • 0.1, 2023/09/01 - Initial release.

Tools Utilized

  • JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler v.10.0.0
  • 7-Zip

Category: User Interface

Views: 461

Downloads: 229

Date uploaded: 4 September 2023

Date updated:

Uploaded by: admin

Original: Link

Author: KhaoMaat

