Script Files 4 Starfield (sf4sf) v1.0


Several scripts / batchfiles for Starfield.

How to Implement:

  1. Place *.txt files into your Game Directory (where the game's executable resides).
  2. For Vortex users: Modify "Mod-Type" to "ENB" or "Injector" prior to deploying.
  3. In-game: Access the console and enter bat ScriptName. No need for the ".txt" extension.


  • Will using these scripts block achievements?
  • Changing item or stats (e.g., "i-cash" or "c-carry-more") will. Fix: Save and restart your game. Yet, time-based scripts (like "t-noon") won't cause this issue.

Script Prefix Guide:

  • c-: Modifies attributes.
  • fix-: Resets attributes or provides game bug solutions.
  • i-: Pertains to items.
  • s-: Miscellaneous scripts.
  • t-: Alters in-game time.
  • w-: Modifies weather.



  • c-carry-more: Increase carrying capacity by 100.
  • c-jump-high-more: Jump height x1.
  • c-o2-more: Oxygen multiplier x2.
  • c-wimp-more: Amplify resistances by 50.

(The above also have respective 'less' versions)


  • i-cash: +1000 credits.
  • i-cash-10: +10,000 credits.
  • i-lockpick: Obtain 10 digipicks/lockpicks.
  • i-reload: +200 starter ammo types.


  • fix-health: Refill health (diseases remain).


  • s-xp1: +2,000 xp (levels: 2 - 6).
  • s-xp3: +20,000 xp (levels: 2 - 21).
  • (Note: High XP gains can greatly alter gameplay experience.)


  • t-dawn: Begin the day.
  • t-dusk: Enjoy the evening hues.
  • t-noon: High noon's bright light.
  • t-wait-3: Pause for 3 hours.

(Other time-related scripts continue in similar format)

Category: Miscellaneous

Views: 214

Downloads: 94

Date uploaded: 2 September 2023

Date updated:

Uploaded by: admin

Original: Link

Author: Sephrajin

