Achievement Enabler v1.0


Starfield Achievement Enabler Guide

Unlock console commands without jeopardizing your game's achievements.


Before making any changes, back up the original file(s) for safety. Should issues arise, you can revert to the original file(s) and retry. Should the game receive future updates that affect any of the mentioned .dll files, these instructions must be repeated. For maximum safety, reapply this mod following every game update to secure achievements.

Setup Instructions (Thanks to RennieBoy):

For Steam Version:

  1. Navigate to the ASI Loader GitHub page here. In the "Description" segment, download "bink2w64.dll".
  2. In the Starfield game root directory (steamapp\common\Starfield), rename the existing "bink2w64.dll" to "bink2w64Hooked.dll".
  3. Transfer the "bink2w64.dll" from GitHub (from step 1) into the root folder of your Starfield game.
  4. Create a "Plugins" folder in the root directory. Your folder structure should resemble: steamapp\common\Starfield\Plugins.
  5. Download the mod from this page and insert the "starfield-achievementenabler.asi" file into the "Plugins" folder.
  • Done! Your folder/file layout for the mod should look like:Starfield\bink2w64.dll (from GitHub)
  • Starfield\bink2w64Hooked.dll (renamed original file)
  • Starfield\Plugins\starfield-achievementenabler.asi (from this mod)

For UWP (Windows) Version:

Note: Some users noted the presence of either bink2w64.dll, dinput8.dll, or both in their root folder. If you have dinput8.dll, follow these steps. For bink2w64.dll, refer to the Steam instructions. If both are present, pick one set of instructions and avoid duplicating steps.

The UWP version's root location is at XboxGames\Starfield\Content.

  1. Go to the ASI Loader GitHub page here. Under "Description", download "dinput8.dll" (x64 for most; x86 for others — select appropriately).
  2. In the Starfield game root directory (XboxGames\Starfield\Content), rename "dinput8.dll" to "wininet.dll".
  3. Place the "dinput8.dll" from GitHub (step 1) into the game's root folder.
  4. Establish a "Plugins" folder in the game's root directory. Your folder structure should resemble: XboxGames\Starfield\Content\Plugins.
  5. Download the mod from this page and insert the "starfield-achievementenabler.asi" file into the "Plugins" folder.
  • Done! Your folder/file structure should be:XboxGames\Starfield\Content\dinput8.dll (from GitHub)
  • XboxGames\Starfield\Content\wininet.dll (renamed original file)
  • XboxGames\Starfield\Content\Plugins\starfield-achievementenabler.asi (from this mod)


Thanks to ThirteenAG for creating the ASI Loader. Check it out here.

Category: Miscellaneous

Views: 1055

Downloads: 234

Date uploaded: 3 September 2023

Date updated:

Uploaded by: admin

Original: Link

Author: brunph

