How to Complete the "One Small Step" Quest in Starfield
"One Small Step" is the first main quest you'll encounter right at the beginning of the game. You could say it's designed to teach you the basics and skills that will be useful in your future adventures.
Walkthrough for the "One Small Step" Quest in Starfield
The quest begins with an introduction to some NPCs and the mine where your character has been working. During the story, you'll receive a Cutter Crate, which will be crucial for completing future tasks and dealing with enemies. While the gun you get isn't the most powerful, don't underestimate it!
Eventually, you'll discover a strange artifact, leading to the character creation screen. Here, let your creativity shine!
Meet Barrett and Fight the Crimson Fleet Pirates
After a series of dialogues, you'll meet Barrett and Vasco, a helpful robot companion. However, don't relax just yet; you're about to engage in a battle with pirates from the Crimson Fleet.
First Flight in Starfield
Your little robo-friend will teach you how to use the spacecraft. Follow the instructions. Soon, an enemy ship will approach, and shortly after, two more. Stay vigilant and follow the on-screen prompts.
Travel to Kreet and Clear the Research Laboratory
Following the markers, you'll eventually land where you need to be. Proceed towards the game marker until you reach the laboratory. Be cautious; the building is teeming with pirates!
Explore the Lab
During the mission, it's recommended to clear all rooms. Occasionally, you'll come across safes; check the floor for Digipicks (they're available in some places but not others). For example, just before exiting a room, you'll see a closed safe and three Digipicks lying nearby. Make sure to collect the loot and proceed to the exit.
Deal with Brogan
Here, you have a choice: kill or talk. We preferred avoiding a battle through dialogue and proceeded to our ship.
Travel to New Atlantis, Jemison
As before, follow the marker on the map to land in the required area. There, you'll meet a ship dealer who can help with repairs if needed.
Reach the Library and Meet the Constellation Team
Next, you'll need to get to the Library and meet a team from the Constellation. Deliver the artifact, listen to the dialogues, and you'll receive a new mission called "The Old Neighborhood." Safe travels!
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